
Installing a gas lift on a kitchen cabinet

Gas shock absorbers (gas lifts) have long established themselves as effective devices for lifting facade panels of furniture. Shock absorbers smoothly open the doors of kitchen cabinets and fix them in a horizontal position. Installing a gas lift on the kitchen cabinet is not difficult. We will show an algorithm that will allow you to put a furniture shock absorber, even if you know the tool a little bit.

Gas lift design

The device of the furniture shock absorber is no different from automobile devices for raising the tailgate. The lower diagram shows all the components of the gas lift structure.

Nitrogen is used as a bypass medium. To extend the stem, a small force is required, and then it completely leaves the external cavity under the pressure of the compressed gas. A light touch of the hand on the door will sink the stem back inward.

On the lower part of the body is a loop with 2 longitudinal holes. The stem is equipped with a disc with three mounting holes. The hinge must be attached to the rack of the cabinet, and the disk should be fixed on the back of the front panel.

What is gas lift and how does it work

The gas lift for the kitchen facade is a lift consisting of a piston and a cylinder. Its main purpose is to raise and hold at 90 degrees the shutters that open upwards. There is an inert gas in the cylinder, which creates a depreciation effect, that is, it does not allow the spring in the lift to sharply compress and expand.

Thanks to this, the doors open smoothly and clearly, their backlash is excluded. As a result, kitchen cabinets will serve for a long time and look perfect. And the skewed facades (a problem that everyone had to deal with before) can be forgotten forever. And the most convenient thing is that there is no need to open the cabinet by constantly holding it with your hand.

Gas lifts for the kitchen - types and features

The design of such systems may be different, due to their scope. Depending on the direction of action, gas lifts can be:

  • Direct action (i.e. squeezing the stem). Initially, the stem in such systems is extended to its full length. Such a system has found wide application in the field of furniture production.
  • Reverse action. The stem, originally recessed, extends during use; it extends.

Based on the level of pressure in the cylinder, these devices are divided into:

  • High pressure. The design of such lifts includes two main elements - a rod and a cylinder, in which there is an inert gas. When the rod is immersed in the cylinder, the volume of the latter decreases, and the pressure increases.
  • Low pressure. It is a two hollow cylinder containing compressed gas. When gas is compressed, its volume increases, and the pressure level inside the spring rises. The period of use of a gas lift for a kitchen cabinet of this type is almost unlimited. In addition, their maintenance and commissioning can be carried out even on their own.

Depending on the design of the gas lift mechanism, it can be:

  • Frictional (step by step). It is the most common and simple option that fires when the door opens. All that is required is to pull the sash slightly towards you, and it will open and lock on its own at the specified level. The closing process is similar. A little effort is enough, and then the mechanism will work and lower the door.
  • Automatic. Modern and efficient technology. Such a lifting mechanism of gas lift makes kitchen furniture as simple and comfortable to use as possible. To open the sash, it is easy enough to click on it. After a certain time, the door will automatically close itself.

There are also several types of locks for gas lifts:

  • Standard (elastic). The system locks at a specific point on the piston. With this option, the probability of spontaneous movement is not excluded.
  • Ambivalent. Elastic if pressed in and stiff when stretched.
  • Combined. Rigidly locks the device in each direction. Arbitrary displacement of the spring is completely eliminated.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages that encourage people to buy a gas lift for the kitchen are:

  • The ability to securely lock the flaps in the open position. After the door opens, it is installed at a certain level and fixed. At the same time, the risk of spontaneous closing is eliminated, so that the use of cabinets becomes safe and convenient.
  • There is no threat that the door will open spontaneously. After it is closed, the system fixes. In order for the sash to open, you need to change its position by about 10 degrees. This factor also plays a significant role, as it avoids injuries and discomfort.
  • Installing a gas lift is not difficult. It is enough to adhere to the established parameters. To perform such work can not even a specialist.
  • Durability. The high level of quality and reliability of the system ensures a long service life. However, she does not need repairs and special services.
  • The lift makes opening cabinets extremely convenient.

Despite significant advantages, this option has disadvantages:

  • Such a device is quite expensive. If there are a lot of cabinets, then the costs will be substantial.
  • It is not possible to repair the lift. If it breaks, then you can correct the situation only by buying a new one.
  • Replacing the gas lift in the kitchen can be ordered at the repair shop.

How to choose and where to buy a gas lift for the kitchen

Before deciding on how to install a gas lift on a kitchen cabinet, you need to find out what nuances should be considered when choosing this system. First of all, pay attention to such moments:

  • The size of the cabinets. To make the right choice you need to know the exact parameters of the furniture that will be equipped with lifts. If the lockers are not delivered yet, then you can find out the dimensions by contacting the seller.
  • The size of the lift itself. It is determined when the stem is fully extended. Standard options are 164 mm, 247 mm and 355 mm. The presence of these three options allows you to choose a system for almost any furniture. No less importance is attached to the length of the device when folded. When choosing this indicator does not play a special role, but during the installation process it will be needed.
  • Compressive force. This aspect is given key attention, because how much weight the lift can hold while in the open state depends on it. This criterion is always indicated on the case; it can be 60, 80, 100, 120 and 140N. Determining the right option is quite easy, after a simple calculation. Measure the weight of the door. Each kilogram of weight must correspond to 10N. Try not to overdo it with power. Otherwise, the sash will close too abruptly, which can cause injury.
  • Type of mount. When buying, you should also read how the installation of a gas lift on a kitchen cabinet will be made. If the furniture is made of MDF and particleboard, then use the option with a platform with holes for screws, which are used for fastening. If the design is made of metal or plastic, then the installation is carried out using special screwdrivers, installed in advance. Lifts are attached to them with clamps. Most often, screws and mounts come with the system.

How to install gas lift?

The most common questions are how to install a gas lift on a kitchen cabinet with your own hands and how to remove a gas lift. In general, installation is not particularly difficult. We will deal with this issue in more detail.

For work you will need:

  • Roulette or ruler. For the result to be of high quality, it is necessary to accurately measure.
  • Felt-tip pen or pencil. With their help, markup is performed.
  • Screwdriver. Allows you to clearly adjust and carefully screw the screws.
  • Screwdriver. It is used not only for screwing in screws, but also for drilling holes for them.
  • Self-tapping screws.

Step-by-step installation instructions

It is recommended that before starting work, remove the cabinet, put it on a table or other surface on which it will be convenient to work, and turn it over so that the open sash is on the bottom. So all the marks are clearly visible and it will be much easier to screw in the screws. The installation process consists of several stages:

  • First, markup is done. From the front of the front and front ends measure 25 mm and make marks.
  • Then, a lateral form is mounted on which the piston of the gas lift is subsequently mounted.
  • The movable part of the system is attached to the spring.
  • After that, the facade is installed on the hinges.
  • The final stage - a gas lift is mounted on the fastener. It is best to equip each facade with two lifts. This will prevent excessive voltage on the device and avoid distortions.

The mounting scheme provides several options for the position of the wings. During the installation process, anyone can independently choose a fixing angle that suits him as much as possible.

What is gas lift

The installation of gas lifts in the kitchen cabinet provides modern landscaping in the kitchen. So that there are no problems with the installation and operation of products, it is important to correctly select them for the existing box.

The gas furniture lift is represented by a special lifting device, with the help of which the holding and opening the doors of different lockers is ensured. The main purpose of this product is the ease of opening the doors up.

The mechanism is based on its simple device. When creating gas lifts, a special gas spring is used in conjunction with a hydraulic shock absorber. As soon as the door opens literally 10 degrees, then automatic opening up to 90 degrees is ensured.

The design includes the elements:

  • cylinder body
  • special piston of optimal size,
  • sleeve,
  • valve,
  • bearings for easy sliding doors
  • stock,
  • sealing elements
  • stuffing box,
  • oil seal.

The design is leakproof, therefore there is no possibility for dust, dirt or moisture to get on its various elements. An indispensable non-demountable mechanism is created, therefore, it cannot be disassembled and repaired if necessary.

Purpose and device

Correctly installed structures can be used for various kitchen furniture. They apply:

  • it is optimal to install them on kitchen furniture that is used quite often, therefore it is required that the doors open silently and also remain intact for a long time,
  • often used for installation in the living room, bedroom, children's room or other rooms where it is advisable to install spacious drawers equipped with gas lift doors,
  • office furniture is often used with such elements, and it is not only considered multifunctional, but also looks stylish,
  • gas lifts are optimal for installation during the installation of bar facades,
  • often used to create poufs or a variety of boxes.

The range of gas lifts is considered wide, therefore they are really demanded designs. They can have different sizes and even colors.

Calculation of the load depending on the dimensions of the furniture

Before you put this design, you should pay attention to competent calculations. They depend on the weight of the facade. In this case, the main conditions are taken into account:

  • on the case of the selected gas lift for furniture you can find information about its labeling,
  • N indicates that the unit of measure is Newtons, represented by the pressure force,
  • before this letter is a number represented by the force available in the case,
  • to correctly complete the installation, you must have information about the weight of the facade, equipped with a handle.

Incorrect calculations lead to the fact that the design is used in difficult conditions, therefore, the service life is reduced by about half.

Installation Rules

A properly installed gas lift will be pleasant and safe to use, and will also last a long time. If you plan to independently deal with this issue, then by all means the instruction is preliminarily studied. How to install the design? For this, sequential actions are performed:

  • gas lifts are acquired, and for one facade these two elements are required,
  • installation is carried out in conjunction with the hinges, and they can be overhead or internal, as well as half-laid,
  • two shock absorbers are prepared for one facade,
  • if the gas lifts used are marked more than 100N, then reliable and reinforced mounting of the cabinet to the room wall is required,
  • gas lift installation is carried out exclusively after the attachment of all accessories,
  • it is not allowed to perform work if the cabinet is already attached to the wall,
  • installation is made in horizontal independent furniture,
  • if it is required to increase the opening angle, a special hole for the main fastening is shifted
  • the loop is first installed in the desired area,
  • the gas lift itself is installed in accordance with the location of the furniture loop.

To take into account all the features of this process, it is recommended that you carefully study the video installation instructions in advance.


After a quality and proper installation, it is required to adjust the correct opening of the facade using a gas lift. This takes into account that the distance from the top of the wall cabinet to the ceiling of the room should be greater than the dimensions of the door, since it will open upward, therefore, it is not allowed to touch the ceiling.

After installing the structure, gas lift adjustment begins so that the doors open and close slowly and silently. For this, the main fasteners of this product are tightened.

Thus, gas lifts are considered an interesting solution for kitchen cabinets. They have many advantages and are easy to install. Due to their use, the service life of furniture is significantly increased, and it will be really nice to use it. The constant opening and closing of doors will not be able to cause destruction or damage to the facades or the drawers themselves. The low cost of gas lifts is considered a minus, but it is due to their high quality, protection of expensive furniture, stylish appearance and long service life.

Selection of shock absorbers for furniture

Manufacturers offer options with several markings. On the case you can see such signs as gtv 50n, gtv 60n, gtv 80n and gtv 100n and others. Marking means the force with which the device acts on the load.

To determine the gas lift necessary for the facade of the cabinet, the table will help:

What is a kitchen gas lift?

Gas lifts used in kitchen furniture have the form of a lifting mechanism, the main function of which is to hold and open the cabinet doors. Thanks to the kitchen gas lift, the doors of the wall cabinets can open up effortlessly. The widespread use of this device in furniture production was due to the following advantages:

  • Reliable fixation of the open door in the upper position.Due to this, you can open several cabinets at once with one effort,
  • Smooth door opening with the ability to independently adjust the mechanism,
  • Complete absence of noise during operation of mechanisms,
  • No need to install handles on the door
  • The mechanism is triggered by lightly pressing the hand.

The basis of the work of this device is a fairly simple principle, provided by the operation of a gas spring and hydraulic shock absorber.

When the door moves 10 ° from the initial position, the furniture gas lift mechanism is activated, which automatically opens the door to a working radius of 90 °. The door operation control mechanism itself has a complex device and includes the following elements:

  • cylindrical body
  • piston,
  • sleeve
  • valve,
  • stock,
  • plain bearings
  • stuffing box,
  • anther,
  • seal.

Thanks to smart design supported complete cylinder tightness, which is still filled in the manufacturer’s shops with nitrogen, which provides the required pressure at the time of clamping. The device has a non-separable design, therefore it cannot be repaired.

Installation markup

Before installation work, it is necessary to mark the installation points of the gas lift mount.

Prior to installation, it is imperative to check the available equipment for compliance with the cabinet design. So, if the internal cavity of the wall cabinet has a height of 365 mm, then a gas lift of 355 mm length is used for it.

For the correct installation of the device, it is necessary to observe the order of the layout of the cabinet:

First thing mark the center of the mount on the sidewall. To do this, measure 366 mm from the inner surface of the top cover. The same thing is done from the front edge of the sidewall, but here the indent should be 37 mm.

After that, a center mark is applied for fixing the device. It is necessary to note a distance of 128 mm from the upper cut. Indent from the side end, which should have a length corresponding to the height of the mounting on the side of the cabinet. Most often it is 19 mm. Similar operations must be performed on each side of the wall cabinet.

Installation process

When starting to install a gas lift, the first thing you need to fix the base of the device in the side of the cabinet in a pre-marked marking place. Two types of fasteners are usually used - with a spring and a plate. Mounting the brackets is carried out by screwing the sidewalls into the tree at the marking place, and the elevator head is installed by conventionally snapping into the bracket.

For some devices, the base is made in the form of a plate with a hole. In this case, it is installed on 3 or 4 screws in the side so that the center of the hole matches the mark. Next, you need to put the hinge head of the elevator in this hole and fix it. Particular attention should be paid to ensure that the base plate does not show signs of deformation. Otherwise, a damaged elevator will not work properly.

In the same way, the device is mounted on the inner surface of the door. Particular attention should be paid so that the required angle of inclination of the hinge is maintained, which should be equal to about 8 °.

To make sure the direction is correct, proceed as follows: it is necessary to move the stem to the maximum extended position.

A similar installation technique is used to mount the gas lift on both sides of the cabinet.

Installation Recommendations

In order not to have problems during the operation of the kitchen cabinet, the following recommendations must be observed during the installation process:

  • Mounting the device in mandatory on both sides. This will help prevent distortions.
  • The door must be fixed to the upper cabinet lid using dish-shaped furniture hinges.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the type of device used. If the mounting device has a load of more than 80 N, then you need to remember that it is suitable only for installation on heavy doors. For a cabinet of a different design, they should not be used because of the increased rigidity.
  • The gas lift must be installed only after mounting all the necessary fittings, cladding and decoration elements on the door.
  • Before proceeding to mount the gas lift, need to remove the cabinet from the wall.
  • Sometimes the angle of the door is insufficient. In this case, the problem is solved by moving the gas lift installation point closer to the front cut of the sidewall.
  • In order to avoid a quick failure of the mounting device, it must be installed exactly following the installation instructions.

The choice of gas lift for the cabinet

When choosing this fixture for kitchen furniture, you must pay attention to the following parameters:

  • device dimensions
  • force of pressing a gas spring.

Before buying a gas lift for furniture, you need to make sure that it matches the size of the kitchen furniture. To do this, before going to the store, measurements are taken of the height of the door and the depth of the cabinet. Based on the obtained values ​​of the characteristics, a decision is made in favor of acquiring a suitable gas lift model.

Most often in stores, these devices are offered in three types of sizes in the extended state - 164, 244 and 355 mm. Still it is necessary to pay attention to the length of the gas lift in a compressed state and limit length of stem extension.

The correct operation of the mounting device depends on the pressing force. This characteristic is normalized, the value of which must be indicated in the product passport and on the device case. In order not to be mistaken with the choice of gas lift, you need to know the exact weight of the door, taking into account the fittings, coating and decorating elements. Typically, the fastening device for kitchen cabinets is designed for a force of 60, 80, 100, 120 and 140 N. To choose the most suitable model of gas lift, you must follow the rule: 1 kg of door weight must have a force of 10 N.


The operation of the kitchen cabinet largely depends on the quality of installation of such a mounting device as gas lift. This fixture is very often used in furniture production, providing convenient and easy operation of furniture. Gas lifts are also used in kitchen cabinets. But at the same time, gas lifts, like any mounting device, can fail at some point. For this to happen as late as possible, you must very carefully approach the installation process of this device. For this, it is important not only to know the design of the gas lift, but also the rules for its installation on the doors of kitchen cabinets.

What it is?

Kitchen gas lift is a shock-absorbing mechanism for horizontal doors. The gas lift mechanism itself belongs to a large group of brackets. It has the form of a lifting mechanism, the main purpose of which is to open and hold doors. Thanks to this, the doors open and close without extra effort. In addition, when swinging open completely, the door provides an opportunity to fully see the contents of the cabinet.

Gas lift is known as a completely sealed construction. Nitrogen enters the cylinder during the production process, and in case of damage it cannot be repaired.

Main advantages

  1. Smooth running with self-regulation
  2. Securely locked in the “open” position,
  3. Two types of opening - step (friction) and automatic,
  4. Gas lift fasteners are similar to the material from which the furniture is made (chipboard or aluminum),
  5. It is possible to open the door in the absence of a handle.

How to install?

The correct installation of the gas elevator on the cabinets should begin with the preparation of tools and the drawing of the layout for a clearer fastening.

The selection of a gas lift for a kitchen cabinet is determined by two most important indicators: device parameters and spring compression force. First of all, it is necessary to install the device, the size of the corresponding dimensions of the cabinet. To do this, it is necessary to measure the height of the door and the depth of the cabinet and select the standard gas lift according to the values ​​obtained. Usually you have to choose from three standard sizes: these are 164, 244 and 355 in the extended state. In addition, it is imperative to check the following dimensions of the gas lift: the length when folded with and without mounts, as well as the maximum length of the stem extension.

An important indicator for reliable fixation of the door in the open state is the compressive force. This value is normalized and must be indicated in the passport and on the case of the mechanism. For an unmistakable choice of gas lift it is necessary to determine the mass of the door, taking into account all the fittings, coatings and decor. By standard, furniture gas lifts are available in forces of 60, 80, 100, 120 and 140 Newtons. Calculation when choosing is made from the condition: 1 kg per 10 Newtons.

When choosing equipment, the system of fastening the mechanism to the furniture surface should be considered. The most common fasteners are flat platforms that allow mounting on the surface of the cabinet sides and doors with screws. If the cabinet body is made of wood, then it is possible to use fasteners in the form of a screw-in element.


In order to install gas lift on the kitchen cabinet, you need to arm yourself with a whole set of tools.

  1. Screwdriver
  2. Screwdriver,
  3. Pliers,
  4. Hammer,
  5. Electric drill,
  6. Ruler
  7. Roulette.

Cabinet layout

The figure shows a schematic representation of the installation and a table of compliance with the installation dimensions. The installation of the mechanism when opening the door down is shown here. Installation of the rising door is done in exactly the same way. First of all, the compliance of the selected equipment is checked: for a wall cabinet with a height of the internal cavity of 365 mm, a gas lift of 355 mm in size is required.

The layout of the cabinet is made in the following order. First, the center of the mount is marked on the side: for this, a height L2 of 366 mm is measured from the inner surface of the top cover, and 37 mm is measured from the front edge of the side. Then, the center of fastening on the door is marked: for this, the length L1 is measured from its upper cut, equal to 128 mm, and the distance equal to the total height of fastening on the side of the cabinet (from the side surface to the center of the ball joint of the elevator) is measured - usually 19 mm. This marking is made on both sides of the wall cabinet.


Installation of equipment begins with fixing the mounting base to the side of the cabinet at the marking site. Most often, two methods are used - a spring bracket and a plate. The bracket is usually screwed into the sidewall material at the marked point, and the elevator head simply snaps into place.

If the mounting base is in the form of a plate with a hole, then it is mounted on 3 or 4 screws to the sidewall so that the center of the hole coincides with the marked point. The hinged head of the elevator is inserted into this hole and fixed. In this case, it is important that the base plate is not deformed - the elevator will not work when bent.

Exactly the same steps for installing the mounting base of the device are performed on the inner surface of the door. It is important to ensure the inclined angle of the hinge, which should be about 8 degrees.